
Listening, speaking and writing
發(fā)布時間:2009-02-17   點擊量:10432
Analysis of teaching material
 This is the last teaching period of this unit. The teaching activities focus on writing. Generally, writing is difficult, so there are two stages before writing, listening and speaking.
 To make the students master the framework, the words and phrases in presenting an argument, and finally they can write excellent compositions of this style.
Key points
 1. In listening, train students’ ability to grasp the speaker’s idea and reasons when the speaker presents one idea.
 2. In speaking, improve students’ skill in presenting their idea.
 3. In writing, get students to learn to write a persuasive composition.
Difficult point
  How to improve students’ ability in writing a persuasive composition step by step.
Teaching process
Step I. Presentation
      Pictures of McDonald’, KFC, the food they offer and their advertisements.
Step IIListening
      1. Fill the blanks according to the conversation between Tina and Li Qian.
For or against
(A girl)
1. An old part of town will be ________________.
2. They will have ____________________.
Li Qian
1. He hates all that ___________________ food.
2. He loves _________________.
3. M serves _________________ for young children.
2. Think about whether you would like to have such a restaurant or not, and give your real opinion and two reasons to support your idea.
I would / would not like to have such a restaurant in our town. Firstly,                                                                                                                                        ;
Secondly,                                                                                                                        .
Step III. Speaking
       1. Brainstorming
What is exactly a balanced diet?
What does a healthy body need?
The six essential nutrients(營養(yǎng)物質(zhì)):
Protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins, minerals and water
       2. Tips
         When you present an argument, it is necessary to take your side, then give your reason and finally make a conclusion.
3. Discussion
Do you enjoy eating western fast food or not? Why?
       4. Presentation
Step IV. Writing
       1. Tips: When you write a composition in which you present an argument, one way to do this is to present both sides of the argument, and then say which one you agree with if necessary. Generally, you can use four paragraphs.
         Paragraph 1: a statement of the topic
         Paragraph 2: two or three ideas supporting one side of the argument
      Paragraph 3: two or three ideas supporting the other side of the argument
         Paragraph 4: a conclusion giving your own opinion
2 Words, phrases and sentence structures used in a persuasive essay.
         1). Start a topic
Our class have had a heated discussion about …
There is a pubic debate today on …
If you take notice in some pubic places, you will see …
Why do so many people …
          2). For or against
Some are in favor of…, others are against …;
Some hold the view that …;
60% of the students think it is … to do …;
3). Give the reasons
The reasons are as follows; firstly; secondly;
besides; in addition; what’s more;
however; on the other hand; while; on the contrary …
4). Give examples      
for example; for instance; such as;
5). Conclude a composition
From what has been discussed above, we can draw the conclusion that…
In summary /In short /In my opinion /All in all /In a word /To sum up …
4. Writing
      Write a composition to the 21st century to report the discussion about whether people enjoy eating western fast food in your class and your opinion on this problem.
      Tips: It is better to limit the words to 120.
                                   Gaoxin No.1 High School                                      Li Li
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